
W-Tech Ltd., based in St Jean de Soudain (between Lyon and Grenoble Isère 38) is specialized in the distribution of equipment and consumables for the electronics Professional industry.

Consultant / Service Provider, Distributor, Manufacturer, Other

W-Tech Ltd., based in St Jean de Soudain (between Lyon and Grenoble Isère 38) is specialized in the distribution of equipment and consumables for the electronics Professional industry .

W-Tech caters to a clientele Automotive / Industrial / Military / Space / Rail / Aerospace / Telecom, and all players making electronics boards.

With an experience of over 25 years in this environment, the team W-Tech is specialized in providing various solutions.
Solutions for the overall management of moisture (metal bag / vacuum machine / humidifying or dehumidifying cabinet  and / or  under nitrogen / and or baked or / climatic chamber etc ...), according to JEDEC standards 033C.
Solutions for packaging / packaging and storage (automatic storage tower / JEDEC trays / Waffle pack / embossed carrier tape / Cover Tape / Reels etc ...) According to EIA standards 481 / IEC.

Testing solutions / Programming / Serialization / Laser Marking / Tape and reel all kind of components (SMD devices, connectors, etc...)

W-Tech team is composed of three technical service people and provides installation and service of all equipment it distributes.
Since 2011, W-Tech move to a new building of 1,200M ² and also offers equipment's training through an approval N ° id trainer.

W-Tech company is active in different geographic areas, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, North Africa (Tunisia / Morocco) Czech Republic, Poland / Germany / Switzerland ... and participates in various International Exhibitions, CIEN / PRODUCTRONICA / SMT Packaging ...

Jade Series Selective Soldering Machines

Conductive Adhesive & Non-Conductive Adhesive Dispensing