Garrett Electronics Corporation

An authorized, stocking distributor of electronic components, passives and discrete semiconductors that are available for same-day shipping.

Distributor, Manufacturer

Garrett Electronics is a nationally authorized stocking distributor for world-class suppliers of passive and discrete semiconductor components. Garrett offers unique value-added services that are required by most companies for design and development. Such services include engineering component lab kits, design/prototype quantities, and partial reels. Garrett also offers factory reels to support small to medium production needs. Garrett is a privately held, woman-owned small business, established in 1973 and located in Santa Maria, CA. Garrett maintains an ISO certified Quality Management System.

Broad Inventory Selection

Garrett specializes in surface mount and stocks a very broad range of component values that are available for same-day shipping. Surface mount and thru-hole inventories include resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, & circuit protection devices.

Garrett is the industry leader in ENGINEERING DESIGN KITS. Perfect for your design lab, our kits arrive completely assembled and ready to use. Standard kits include all values of a component series or you can customize kits to include only select values. Garrett offers a variety of kit packing options that are user-friendly in the lab environment.

Fluid Dispensing Aerospace

SMT feeders