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PCB label printing

Views: 4902



PCB label printing | 5 October, 2011

We are required by most of our customers to apply a serial # to the boards that we build. As the PC boards have been getting smaller and open areas on the board are getting scarce we have been forced into using smaller and smaller labels. I am looking for some suggestions on thermal printers that can print labels of .200" x .500" repeatably. Someone out there must be printing labels this small or they wouldn't make them.

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PCB label printing | 5 October, 2011

I have a ProPen P3000 for marking metals and plastics. Please email if interested.

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PCB label printing | 5 October, 2011

We use various Zebra printers for 2D barcodes with great success.

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PCB label printing | 6 October, 2011

> We use various Zebra printers for 2D barcodes
> with great success.

We also have had great sucess with our Zebra's. I think that the labels that we are trying to print now on smaller than the printer (170xii) was designed to handle. I am looking for something that was designed with small (.200") in mind.

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PCB label printing | 7 October, 2011

2D codes take up much less real estate so that might work. Something else we did was to go to CO2 lasers and mark directly into the solder mask. Underlying copper gave adequate contrast to the green mask. Much more of an investment, but works great.

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