Unprecedented success - all 36 HKUST teams shine at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva!
Congrats to 156 HKUST Stalwarts!
Igniting Innovation, Fueling Entrepreneurial Spirit
Embracing Diversity and Inclusiveness

Our latest endeavors to make a difference in the ever-changing world

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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) sought to strengthen ties with South Korean institutions and industries, as the University’s senior management participated in a high-prof
HKUST Showcases Three Decades of Success at High-level Forum in Seoul
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) sought to strengthen ties with South Korean institutions and industries, as the University’s senior management participated in a high-
HKUST Sets up “Relaxation Corner” for Students to Unwind and Revitalize During Exam Period (Chinese version only)
學生回到校園竟可像家中一樣在豆袋梳化上充電休息?正值考試期間,香港科技大學(科大)自本周一起舉辦「Recharge · Refuel · Relax」考試周活動,將校園內人流最多的香港賽馬會大堂改造成「放空角落」,舖上大片綠色草地,並添置多個豆袋梳化及迷你高爾夫體驗區,鼓勵學生在努力溫習備試之際,亦可抽空和其他同學見面傾談,從而放鬆心情、釋放壓力。 是次活動由不同部門及學院攜手舉辦,
156 Stalwarts Chronicle HKUST's Growth and Rise
Founded 32 years ago, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has played a pivotal role in nurturing a diverse pool of talents over the years through its commitment to teaching
Prof. Ricky LEE Shi-Wei, Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Dean of Systems Hub and Chair Professor of Smart
Global Minds@HKUST series: Shabnam’s Dual PhD Journey Towards an Inclusive World
With over 17,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students from more than 80 countries or regions at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), we pride ourselves as a true cultural
HKUST and Beijing Tiantan Hospital Forge Strategic Partnership
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Beijing Tiantan Hospital of the Capital Medical University (Beijing Tiantan Hospital) signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement today to
HKUST President Prof Nancy IP Awarded for 30 Years of Dedicated Service
香港科技大學(科大)校長葉玉如教授獲科大頒發30年「長期服務獎」,以表揚她服務大學多年的貢獻。她於1993年回流香港,一直服務科大至今,先後出任系主任、理學院院長及副校長(研究及發展)等重要崗位。除了是香港八間資助大學中首位女校長,亦是本地高教界中鮮有於原校一直升任至校長的學者。 與科大結緣 1990年,時任紐約再生元生物製藥公司高級科學家的葉教授,在巴黎一個學術會議晚宴上,

From Vision to Action: Fueling Global Impact

We cultivate a diverse community dedicated to advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fostering global citizenship, community engagement, and driving positive societal impact.


We offer a wide variety of study options to let you acquire a breadth and depth of knowledge and expertise to reach your full potential

With cutting edge research and an insatiable curiosity for scientific discovery, our innovative minds open the door to infinite possibilities and change what we know about the world.

We solve human problems, big and small, by blending creative ideas and novel applications into practical engineering solutions which will improve the way we live.

We develop visionary and principled leaders who aspire to build businesses with impact and shape the future of work in ways that meet society’s evolving needs.

By gaining a profound understanding of the world’s social, economic, and environmental complexities through an interdisciplinary approach, we tackle global challenges with creativity and critical thinking skills.

We develop new knowledge, skills, perspectives, and ways of thinking required to understand multifaceted issues of today and solve them in a multidisciplinary way.

Bringing together the world’s foremost scientists and scholars to spearhead and publicize fundamental and applied research, we can push the limits of human knowledge further.

We contribute to better decision-making in the public sector on key challenges confronting the region, through rigorous interdisciplinary and evidence-based approaches to policy research and education.


A vibrant and colorful student life goes far beyond classrooms and textbooks

Fitness and Lifestyle
Fitness and Lifestyle

Mental health is equally important just as our physical fitness. Learn how to maintain a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle to manage our life, learning, and work effectively.

Living on Campus
Living on Campus

From housing to dining and all the socializing that goes on in between, get to know your life and surroundings, facilities and resources for the time outside of the classroom.

Community Outreach
Community Outreach

We aim to build civic awareness and develop sustainable partnerships with the wider community, deepening student learning while promoting a benevolent world. Students will learn to apply knowledge and skills to serve the public good.


We provide a breeding ground for nascent entrepreneurs who aspire to become the global leaders of tomorrow and create a positive impact on the world
Active HKUST Start-up Companies Established by HKUST Staff, Students and Alumni or Incubated by HKUST Programs or Facilities
Strong Leadership in Unicorns
Economic Impact by HKUST Start-ups


We harness technology and innovation to solve today’s critical global issues


There’s a lot going on at our University. From academic to leisure activities, it’s all happening here

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We provide a breeding ground for innovative global leaders of tomorrow
World’s Top 600+ Young Universities in Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2023
Global University Employability Ranking 2023 (No.1 in Hong Kong, No.3 in Greater China) designed by the HR consultancy Emerging and published by Times Higher Education
Asia’s Top 500+ Universities (No. 3 in Hong Kong) in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2023

global connections

We actively forge global partnerships to encourage academic and research collaborations, knowledge transfer, and cultural exchanges
Nationalities of Students
Graduates with Exchange-out Experience
Follow us on social media to keep abreast of all sorts of exciting things happening at our University
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