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IPC-J-STD vs IPC-A-610

Views: 1033


IPC-J-STD vs IPC-A-610 | 2 June, 2023

In both IPC standards, it is referenced: "When 'X' standard is cited or required by contract, the requirements of 'X OTHER' do not apply unless separately or specifically required."

I've always understood J-STD to be the act of assembling, where A-610 was inspection -- but they both sort of went hand in hand, as A-610 is based from J-STD and therefore any requirements in A-610 would also be the minimum requirements in J-STD...

So, what exactly does it mean the other would not apply? Wouldn't all requirements within J-STD be covered in A-610? (though, 610 would have additional information for final assembly, of course)

Would the following summary be a correct, generalized understanding of the two? If only implementing A-610, technically we only care about the end visual result but the act of getting there would be left open, correct? But if implementing J-STD only, then the act of getting their would also be specified, but wouldn't the end visual result be covered, too?

To summarize: Would this imply, the only reason A-610 would be implemented in addition to J-STD, would be for hardware/final assembly criteria? Therefore, if SMT/THT only, would A-610 be redundant when using J-STD?

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IPC-J-STD vs IPC-A-610 | 22 July, 2023

Here below clarification may help you I suggest you to refer IPC-AJ-820A Assembly and Joining Handbook for the entire information of applicable standards.

IPC-J-STD (IPC-Joint Standard): IPC-J-STD is not a standalone standard; it refers to the series of standards developed collaboratively by multiple IPC committees, which are usually combinations of IPC-A-610, IPC-6012, and IPC-2220. These joint standards define various requirements for specific aspects of electronic assembly, such as soldering, rigid PCBs, and high-speed/high-frequency boards.

IPC-A-610 (Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies): IPC-A-610 is a standalone standard that specifies the acceptability criteria for the assembly of electronic components. It provides visual guidelines for determining what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to the quality and workmanship of electronic assemblies. This standard is often used by quality inspectors, technicians, and engineers to assess the workmanship of assembled electronic products.

In summary, IPC-J-STD refers to a collection of joint standards that cover different aspects of electronics manufacturing, while IPC-A-610 is specifically focused on defining acceptability criteria for electronic assemblies. Both standards play crucial roles in ensuring the reliability and quality of electronic products.

Hope I help you in clarifying.

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IPC-J-STD vs IPC-A-610 | 24 July, 2023

I agree with the statement of the differences between 001 and 610.

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