Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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Mixing 2 and 4 layer designs on a single panel

Views: 2894


Mixing 2 and 4 layer designs on a single panel | 2 September, 2010

Manufacturing-wise, is there a problem with doing a single panel with both four layer and two layers designs on it?

I do prototype runs with multiple designs on the same panel, and I'd like to start including four layer. It seems to me that I can get away with ordering it as a four layer panel, and having the inner layers be blank for the two layer boards.

Would that work? Are there any issues I should be aware of?


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Mixing 2 and 4 layer designs on a single panel | 7 September, 2010

The only issue is that now you are paying for a 4 layer board and only getting a 2 layer board. In the long run, it will definitely cost you if this is a higher running product. Other than that you shouldn't have any issues.

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