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Cad2Cad, anyone?

Views: 3351


Cad2Cad, anyone? | 16 August, 2007

We are using Cad2Cad to convert cad data to Philips VIOS text. The properties tab references a Package Dimensions file that can be used but I have no idea how that is generated or how it's formatted. It seems it would be worthwhile to generate one manually if it would help identify shapes and maybe help to verify orientation.

Right now I'd be happy if someone could just email me a couple lines from it one it's a text file. Any takers? Or is there a way to import one?

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Cad2Cad, anyone? | 16 August, 2007

We output to ftip and import into GemlinePPS which links the parts to the package database in PPS. It would be nice to directly export a VIOS txt file with all the info needed.


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Cad2Cad, anyone? | 16 August, 2007

There seems to be bugs in the way VIOS and UFOS formats are read by the software. It's OK on component postions but PCB Objects and Circuit Objects can't be read or written correctly for these formats. The Board Dimensions are synthesized by taking an outline about an inch outside the lower left and top right corners which probably doesn't correspond to the real board. All in all the code needs more work. Question. Where does one find a definition for the VIOS format?

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